FPA San Gabriel Valley
A Financial Fire Drill
Designed to help audiences work through how they might cope should their income drop due to a job loss or other adverse event.
Budgeting 101: A Balancing Act
Covers the basics of creating and maintaining a household or personal budget, including why to create one, how to create one and, most importantly, how to stick to one. Also addresses the issue of debt – how to manage it and ways to begin eliminating it.
Choosing the Right Insurance for Every Stage of Your Life
Addresses the importance of having the appropriate insurance and provides important information so individuals can evaluate and purchase insurance wisely.
Coping with Death: Financial Considerations in a Time of Need
Provides specific information on what to do immediately after the death or injury of a loved one and how to handle the long-term financial implications of death or injury.
Estate Planning: Introduction to the Essentials
Shows why individuals need an estate plan and highlights some of the basic components of an estate plan.
Financially Surviving a Job Loss
Outlines financial planning options for soon to be displaced employees or unemployed workers.
Financial Planning and Your Small Business
Discusses the importance of financial planning related to owning and operating a small business.
Financial Planning Considerations for Long-Distance Caregiving
Provides specific information on financial considerations for long-distance caregiving, and offers some ideas that you can share with your senior clients and their loved ones who may live far away.
Financial Planning for a Home of Your Own
This presentation helps individuals get started on the path to homeownership by exploring some of the financial considerations involved in buying and owning a home.
Forging Your Financial Future
Provides a great overview of the financial planning process. Includes information about how a financial planner can help an individual or family. Also highlights some of the basic financial planning issues for individuals and families.
Introduction to Financial Planning Basics
Overview of financial planning process. Highlights steps from gathering information to implementation to monitoring. Designed to illustrate importance of financial planning.
“Investing Basics” 20 Tips for Becoming a Smart Investor
Discusses how investing fits into an overall financial plan and provides information about investing and investing concepts.
Planning for the Costs of Education
Provides advice on how one can save for their children’s education and includes several investment options to consider.
Real World Retirement Planning
Explores the universal reality of retirement, as well as the many savings and investment options individuals can rely on when planning for the future. Offers information relevant to each stage in a working adult’s professional life – from the twenty-somethings to the final years before retirement.
Taking Control: A Financial Planning Starter Kit
Provides eight steps to taking control of your finances. Audience will learn about budging, spending plans, setting goals, managing debt and more.
Tax Planning in a Changing Tax World
This presentation shows one how to be a “tax survivor,” by becoming a more nimble taxpayer and avoiding tax mistakes while employing timeless tax strategies and tips that can help one better meet their life’s financial goals.
Teens and Money: Tips for Developing Good Financial Habits
Provides basic money definitions and an introduction to financial planning for kids ages 13 – 17. Covers basic financial concepts including goal setting, budgeting, saving and the time value of money.
Financial Planning Association of San Gabriel Valley works directly with the public to promote the value of financial planning. We welcome the opportunity to partner with nonprofit organizations, consumer groups, government entities, school districts, and other service organizations to provide unbiased and objective information on topics related to financial planning.
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FPA San Gabriel Valley