FPA San Gabriel Valley
Your Membership Just Got More Valuable.
The membership you rely on for networking, advocacy, education and resources, also saves you money on the products and services that can help make you successful. Chances are, you already utilize some of these strategic partners in your every day business, or you've been considering them - why not enjoy your exclusive discount?
Best of all, we continue to negotiate savings on your behalf throughout the year, so check back often and discover new members-only offers as soon as they become available.
Take a look at how your members-only discounts can save you money:
Back Office
Office supplies, compliance and HR solutions that help your daily operations run smooth.
Banking & Insurance
Home, life and business-related options.
Education & Training
Prep and test for the CFP® exam and gain fiduciary training.
Growth & Succession
Expand your practice, or prepare for a transition.
Retain clients, increase your revenue stream, and generate new prospects.
Top financial planning software, tools, and IT services.
Welcome to FPA, the association home for CFP® professionals and those who support the financial planning process. FPA is the recognized and unquestioned professional membership resource and advocate for the CFP® community and we are proud of our longstanding support of this highly respected designation.
At FPA, we help connect all in our membership – CFP® professionals, academic leaders, students, and individuals and companies who are part of the financial planning profession – in a variety of unique and compelling ways.
CFP Professional Membership
For actively practicing U.S.-based CFP® professionals
Allied Professional Membership
For professionals who deliver personal financial services or support the delivery of financial planning services to the public (not a CFP® certificant.)
Additional Membership Options
Memberships for those on their path to becoming a CFP® professional, students, faculty, retired financial planners, and international CFP® professionals.
For questions about various types of membership, please call FPA Member Services at 800.322.4237 (303.759.4900 International), option 2, or financialplanningassociation.org/membership
contact us
FPA San Gabriel Valley